Explore projects
Airports location and size (traffic) in US (BTS) and EU (EUROSTAT)
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ML detected building footprints and height open database (partial global coverage, only US and Europe included here)
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Official statistics on population in US (Census) and Europe (EUROSTAT).
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Location, size, and type of electricity generation plants and transmission lines, in Europe and US.
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A REST API to compute land elevation from satellite observations at a 30 meters scale.
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Official employment statistics in the US (BLS+Census) and Europe (EUROSTAT).
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Official boundaries of US geographical locations (from Census blocks to States) and European ones (from Local Administrative Units - LAU - to Countries).
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General geology of the world and main minerals deposits and mines (data from USGS).
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Global annual land use / land cover classification at 10 meters scale.
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North America road routing server.
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Rail stations (passengers and freigth) and working rail lines in Europe and North America from OSM.
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Sea and inland waters ports location and tonnage in Europe and US.
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