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  • aqdl/denoising
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
import copy
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import json
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from denoising import (dataset, outliers)
......@@ -8,6 +15,7 @@ from denoising import (dataset, outliers)
def main():
# Settings
srcdir = Path('/home/wrfadmin/PycharmProjects/hapads/denoising/data')
dstdir = Path('/home/wrfadmin/test')
sensor_data_1_txt = srcdir.joinpath('sensor_data.txt')
sensor_data_2_txt = srcdir.joinpath('sensor_data_dataset_2.txt')
reference_data_1_txt = srcdir.joinpath('weather_station_data.txt')
......@@ -30,37 +38,157 @@ def main():
# detection, the suggested value of L is close to 0.
L = -0.1
wname = 'haar'
plot = 0
comment = 1
# Load datasets
reference_data = dataset.from_csv(paths=[reference_data_1_txt, reference_data_2_txt])
# Apply offset to reference data
reference_data = dataset.apply_offset(reference_data, refence_offset)
sensor_data = dataset.from_csv(paths=[sensor_data_1_txt, sensor_data_2_txt])
scor = sensor_data[['pm10', 'pm1', 'pm2_5']].values
# # OK
# dataset.check_values(scor)
scor2 = copy.deepcopy(scor)
# Clean sensor data using threshold
scor2 = outliers.apply_threshold(sensor_data[['pm10', 'pm1', 'pm2_5']].values, threshold=thd)
scor2 = outliers.apply_threshold(scor2, threshold=thd)
# Set minumum target PM value based on cumulative data
reftst = scor2.min(axis=1)
scor3 = outliers.apply_delta_relative_threshold(dataset=scor2[:, -1], reftst=reftst, threshold=thd2)
# TODO: Not exactly how it is done in the notebook. Lets check that this is the same as scor3 = deepcopy(scor2[:, -1]) !!!!!
scor3 = copy.deepcopy(scor2)
scor3 = outliers.apply_delta_relative_threshold(dataset=scor3[:, -1], reftst=reftst, threshold=thd2)
signal = np.expand_dims(scor3, axis=0)
test = outliers.apply_wavelets_despiking(signal, sfr, wid, L, wname)
# OK !!!
tE = outliers.get_wavelet_spikes(signal, sfr, wid, L, wname)
scor4 = copy.deepcopy(scor3)
for k in range(len(tE)):
scor4[tE[k]] = (np.array([scor4[tE[k] - 1], scor4[tE[k] + 1]])).mean()
# dataset.check_values(scor4)
# Interpolate reference at sensor time
reference_interpolator = PchipInterpolator(x=reference_data.values[:, 0], y=reference_data.values[:, 5])
refint = reference_interpolator(sensor_data.values[:, 0])
# dataset.check_values(refint)
# NOTE: Call this scor5 to avoid overwritting scor4 for control porposes
scor5 = savgol_filter(x=scor4,
window_length=5, # window size used for filtering
polyorder=2) # order of fitted polynomial
# dataset.check_values(scor5)
corr_matrix = np.corrcoef(refint, scor5)
corr = corr_matrix[0, 1]
R_sq = corr ** 2
# How well does the reint match the observations scor5
print(f'Coefficient of determination: {R_sq}')
rmse5 = dataset.rmse(refint, scor5)
rmse3 = dataset.rmse(refint, scor3)
rmse2 = dataset.rmse(refint, scor2[:, 2])
rmse1 = dataset.rmse(refint, sensor_data.values[:, 5])
print(f'RMSE - scor5: {rmse5}')
print(f'RMSE - scor3: {rmse3}')
print(f'RMSE - scor2: {rmse2}')
print(f'RMSE - scor1: {rmse1}')
# Display results
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 8))
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], reftst[0:1140], 'blue', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor3[0:1140], 'r', linewidth=0.5)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[tE, 0][0:48], scor3[tE][0:48], 'ro', mfc='none')
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor4[0:1140], 'c')
# f1 = go.Figure(
# data=[
# go.Scatter(x=sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], y=reftst[0:1140], name="reftst"),
# go.Scatter(x=sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], y=scor3[0:1140], name="scor3"),
# go.Scatter(x=sensor_data.values[tE, 0][0:48], y=scor3[tE][0:48], name="scor3-peaks", mode='markers', marker=dict(color='red')),
# go.Scatter(x=sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], y=scor4[0:1140], name="scor3")
# ],
# layout={"xaxis": {"title": "Time"}, "yaxis": {"title": "Concentration"}, "title": ""}
# )
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 8))
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor2[:, 0][0:1140], 'k', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor2[:, 1][0:1140], 'cyan', linewidth=1)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor3[0:1140], 'b', linewidth=0.5)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor2[:, 2][0:1140], 'r')
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 8))
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor3[0:1140], 'b', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], scor5[0:1140], 'g', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(sensor_data.values[:, 0][0:1140], refint[0:1140], 'r')
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
plt.plot(refint, scor5, 'o')
plt.xlim([0, refint.max()])
plt.ylim([0, scor5.max()])
plt.title(f'Coefficient of determination R²: {R_sq}')
# Save corrected results
tstamp = copy.deepcopy(sensor_data.values[:, 0])
xs = [sensor_data.values[:, 8], sensor_data.values[:, 1], sensor_data.values[:, 2]/100.0, scor5]
xr = np.zeros((len(tstamp), 4))
xr[:, 0] = PchipInterpolator(reference_data.values[:, 0], reference_data.values[:, 7])(tstamp)
xr[:, 1] = PchipInterpolator(reference_data.values[:, 0], reference_data.values[:, 1])(tstamp)
xr[:, 2] = PchipInterpolator(reference_data.values[:, 0], reference_data.values[:, 2])(tstamp)
xr[:, 3] = refint
scor1 = sensor_data.values[:, 3:5]
res = dict(xs=xs, xr=xr, scor1=scor1, scor2=scor2, ref=refint, env=reftst, rmse1=rmse1, rmse2=rmse2, rmse3=rmse3, rmse4=rmse5)
# with open(dstdir.joinpath('results.json'), 'w') as outfile:
# outfile.write(json.dumps(res, indent=4))
import math
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
def check_values(dataset):
print(f'{dataset.std(axis=0, ddof=1)=}')
def from_csv(paths: list[Path], names=['timestamp', 'rh', 'pa', 'pm10', 'pm1', 'pm2_5', 'no2', 'temp0', 'temp1']) -> pd.DataFrame:
dataset_list = [pd.read_csv(path, skiprows=3, header=None, sep=' ', names=names) for path in paths]
# Merge datasets
dataset = pd.concat(dataset_list)
for col in dataset.columns.tolist():
dataset[col] = dataset[col].astype(float)
# Reset the shit index, otherwise you will get duplicate!
return dataset.reset_index(drop=True)
......@@ -12,7 +24,19 @@ def apply_offset(dataset, offset):
dataset.timestamp += offset
return dataset
def rmse(y_actual, y_predicted):
MSE = np.square(np.subtract(y_actual,y_predicted)).mean()
return math.sqrt(MSE)
def evaluate_results(refint, scor5, scor4, scor3, scor2, sensor_data, reftst, tE, save_to=None):
corr_matrix = np.corrcoef(refint, scor5)
corr = corr_matrix[0, 1]
R_sq = corr ** 2
# How well does the reint match the observations scor5
print(f'Coefficient of determination: {R_sq}')
def sensor_data():
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import math
import numpy as np
import pywt
from denoising import wavelets
from typing import (List, Literal)
from typing import Literal
......@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ def apply_threshold(dataset: np.array, threshold):
loc1 = max(lt)
loc2 = min(gt)
loc = [loc1, loc2]
loc = np.array([loc1, loc2])
dataset[idtmp, jj] = dataset[loc, jj].mean()
return dataset
......@@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ def apply_delta_relative_threshold(dataset, reftst, threshold):
return dataset
def apply_wavelets_despiking(signal: np.array, sfr, wid: np.array, L: float,
wname: Literal['bior1.5','bior1.3','sym2','db2','haar'],
option:Literal['drop', 'reset']='reset'):
def get_wavelet_spikes(signal: np.array, sfr, wid: np.array, L: float,
wname: Literal['bior1.5','bior1.3','sym2','db2','haar'],
option:Literal['drop', 'reset']='reset'):
# Number of time samples
nt = signal.shape[1]
# Make sure signal is zero-mean
......@@ -73,46 +74,25 @@ def apply_wavelets_despiking(signal: np.array, sfr, wid: np.array, L: float,
# [ms] The refractory period -- can not resolve spikes that are closer than refract
refract = 1.5 * wid[1]
# print(f'{refract=}')
refract = round(refract * sfr)
# print(f'{refract=}')
merge = wid.mean()
merge = round(merge * sfr)
# print(f'{merge=}')
# discard spikes that are located at first and last sample
is_spike[0, [0, -1]] = False
ind_ones = np.argmax(is_spike[0, :] == True)
ind_ones_is_empty = not ind_ones.any()
if not ind_ones_is_empty:
# there will be 1 followed by -1 for each spike
temp = np.diff(is_spike)
# nominal number of spikes
nsp = np.count_nonzero(temp == 1)
# index of the beginning of a spike
lead_t = np.where(temp == 1)[1]
# index of the end of the spike
lag_t = np.where(temp == -1)[1]
# print(f'{temp=}, {nsp=}, {lead_t=}, {lag_t=}')
tE = np.zeros(nsp, dtype=int)
for i in range(nsp):
tE[i] = np.ceil(np.array([lead_t[i], lag_t[i]]).mean())
# print(f'{tE[i]=}') # ok
# print(tE.mean())
# print(tE.min())
# print(tE.max())
# print(tE.std(ddof=1))
# print(len(tE))
for i in range(len(tE) - 1):
diff = tE[i + 1] - tE[i]
# if (diff < refract) and (diff > merge):
......@@ -123,10 +103,11 @@ def apply_wavelets_despiking(signal: np.array, sfr, wid: np.array, L: float,
elif diff <= merge:
# merge
tE[i] = np.ceil(np.array([tE[i], tE[i + 1]]).mean())
# discard
# TODO: How to implement????
tE[i + 1] = []
return tE
def get_spike_indexes(L, c, nt, nw, option, w):
......@@ -171,21 +152,14 @@ def get_spike_indexes(L, c, nt, nw, option, w):
ct[i, ind] = c[i, ind]
mj = np.mean(np.abs(c[i, index])) # mean of the signal coefficients
# print(f'{mj=}')
ps = len(index) / nt # prior of spikes
# print(f'{len(index)=}')
# print(f'{ps=}')
pn = 1 - ps # prior of noise
# print(f'{pn=}')
# hypothesis testing
# eqn (7)
loge = L + math.log(pn / ps)
# eqn (6)
dth = mj / 2 + sigmaj ** 2 / mj * loge # ecision threshold
# print(f'{dth=}')
dth = mj / 2 + sigmaj ** 2 / mj * loge # decision threshold
# TODO: Check that the following line makes sense in python
dth = np.abs(dth) * (dth >= 0) # make DTh>=0
# print(f'{dth=}')
ind = np.where(np.abs(c[i, :]) > dth)[0]
ct[i, ind] = c[i, ind]
# print(f'{dth=}, {ind=}, {ct[i,ind]=}')
......@@ -198,7 +172,8 @@ def get_spike_indexes(L, c, nt, nw, option, w):
# make a union with coefficients from previous scales
Index = np.logical_or(io, Index).astype(int)
io = Index
return io
return Index