CIF doesn't issue a warning for non-existent observation vector files.
I'm trying to follow the steps in the online tutorial for developers, 6.2.4. Pre-process observations to fit in model realm, and CIF doesn't issue a warning for non-existent observation vector files.
Steps to reproduce
Run CIF with the attached yml file.
What is the current bug behavior?
In the attached jvp_obsvec.yml, the variable "file_obsvect : /your/monitor/file" is set. According to the comments, this is an "observation vector from previous simulations". So if it does not exist, shouldn't CIF issue a "file not found" error?
What is the expected correct behavior?
CIF should issue a warning when the observation vector file does not exist.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
yml file: jvp_obsvec.yml
log file: jvp_obsvec.log