diff --git a/api/core/mean.py b/api/core/mean.py
index aa16d67c0d51e02ae0260c657b589d58c710df14..3e45d9c122fff0410ec7f0bddb48c3338a41ca0e 100644
--- a/api/core/mean.py
+++ b/api/core/mean.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class Mean:
     Params = None
-    def Aggregate(cursor: any, meanType: MeanType, ids: tuple, fromTime: str, toTime: str, coverage: int = 75, verificationFlag: int = 3, fraction: int = 10, addMetadata: bool = False, useInvalidValues: bool = True):
+    def Aggregate(cursor: any, meanType: MeanType, ids: tuple, fromTime: str, toTime: str, coverage: int = 75, verificationFlag: int = 3, fraction: int = 10, addMetadata: bool = False, useInvalidValues: bool = False):
         sql = ""
         params = {"ids": ids, "fromTime": fromTime, "toTime": toTime, "verificationFlag": verificationFlag, "coverage": coverage, "fraction": fraction, "useInvalidValues": useInvalidValues}
diff --git a/api/endpoints/aggregation/routes.py b/api/endpoints/aggregation/routes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..561f44b04869c9af2825e853cc4748bb0c7aa712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/endpoints/aggregation/routes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from typing import Optional
+from core.database import CursorFromPool
+from itertools import groupby
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
+from core.mean import Mean, MeanType
+router = APIRouter()
+class FilterModel(BaseModel):
+    verification: Optional[int] = 3
+    coverage: Optional[int] = 75
+    meantype: MeanType
+    station: str
+    pollutant: str
+    fromtime:  datetime
+    totime: datetime
+@router.get("/aggregation/", tags=["aggregation"])
+async def aggregation(filter_model: FilterModel = Depends()):
+    with CursorFromPool() as cursor:
+        sql = """
+          select sp.id
+          from  sampling_points sp, eea_pollutants p, stations s
+          where 1=1
+          and sp.station_id = s.id
+          and sp.pollutant = p.uri
+          and sp.private = false
+          and lower(s.name) = lower(%(sta)s)
+          and lower(p.notation) = lower(%(pollutant)s)
+        """
+        cursor.execute(sql, {"sta": filter_model.station, "pollutant": filter_model.pollutant})
+        rows = cursor.fetchall()
+        sp_ids = tuple([f["id"] for f in rows])
+        return Mean.Aggregate(cursor, filter_model.meantype, sp_ids, filter_model.fromtime, filter_model.totime, filter_model.coverage, filter_model.verification, 3, True)
diff --git a/api/endpoints/aqi/historical/routes.py b/api/endpoints/aqi/historical/routes.py
index ab45530f83d0cccad70a3b4d1b274b3479e53df2..2f555936965792d43f2ccf9a43984b022dd706d8 100644
--- a/api/endpoints/aqi/historical/routes.py
+++ b/api/endpoints/aqi/historical/routes.py
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ async def aqi(filter_model: FilterModel = Depends()):
                         "pollutant": mv["component"],
                         "unit": mv["unit"],
                         "value": mv["value"],
-                        "meantype": MeanType(mv["meantype"]).name,
+                        "meantype": mv["meantype"],
+                        "meantype_name": MeanType(mv["meantype"]).name,
                         "datetime": mv["datetime"],
                         "aqi": idx,
                         "lng": mv["lng"],
diff --git a/api/endpoints/aqi/utd/routes.py b/api/endpoints/aqi/utd/routes.py
index c6d29736643471f01d91b68969f18603f5adaf6a..aadb41b969c7046dfad34b569a00edf4705b4e0a 100644
--- a/api/endpoints/aqi/utd/routes.py
+++ b/api/endpoints/aqi/utd/routes.py
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ async def aqi(filter_model: FilterModel = Depends()):
                         "pollutant": mv["component"],
                         "unit": mv["unit"],
                         "value": mv["value"],
-                        "meantype": MeanType(mv["meantype"]).name,
+                        "meantype": mv["meantype"],
+                        "meantype_name": MeanType(mv["meantype"]).name,
                         "datetime": mv["datetime"],
                         "aqi": idx,
                         "lng": mv["lng"],
diff --git a/api/endpoints/endpoints.py b/api/endpoints/endpoints.py
index 6127cf71a875c23ef13dc83dbc1e689a4159d7d9..9febdff9b25c83f86ef15bea50dd498082978503 100644
--- a/api/endpoints/endpoints.py
+++ b/api/endpoints/endpoints.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 from endpoints.aqi.utd.routes import router as aqi_utd_router
 from endpoints.aqi.historical.routes import router as aqi_historical_router
-from endpoints.aqi.meta.routes import router as aqi_meta_router
+from endpoints.lookups.aqi.routes import router as lookups_aqi_router
+from endpoints.lookups.meantype.routes import router as lookups_meantype_router
 from endpoints.version.routes import router as version_router
+from endpoints.aggregation.routes import router as aggregation_router
 class Endpoints:
@@ -9,5 +11,7 @@ class Endpoints:
     def init_app(app):
-        app.include_router(aqi_meta_router)
+        app.include_router(lookups_aqi_router)
+        app.include_router(lookups_meantype_router)
+        app.include_router(aggregation_router)
diff --git a/api/endpoints/aqi/meta/routes.py b/api/endpoints/lookups/aqi/routes.py
similarity index 87%
rename from api/endpoints/aqi/meta/routes.py
rename to api/endpoints/lookups/aqi/routes.py
index 8cebaedf78c7f723b0d144e40cefd3611168051c..37d25c007ed4a2d9d5234ca2420b66501589fcd0 100644
--- a/api/endpoints/aqi/meta/routes.py
+++ b/api/endpoints/lookups/aqi/routes.py
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ class FilterModel(BaseModel):
     pollutant: Optional[str] = None
-@router.get("/aqi/meta/", tags=["aqi"])
+@router.get("/lookup/aqi/", tags=["lookup"])
 async def aqi(filter_model: FilterModel = Depends()):
     with CursorFromPool() as cursor:
         sql = """
-            select  p.notation as pollutant, i.meantype as meantype_id,  i.index as aqi, i.range_from, i.range_to
+            select  p.notation as pollutant, i.meantype as meantype,  i.index as aqi, i.range_from, i.range_to
             from aqi i, eea_pollutants p
             where i.pollutant = p.uri
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ async def aqi(filter_model: FilterModel = Depends()):
         cursor.execute(sql, {"meantype": filter_model.meantype, "pollutant": filter_model.pollutant})
         meta = cursor.fetchall()
         for o in meta:
-            o["meantype"] = MeanType(o["meantype_id"]).name
+            o["meantype_name"] = MeanType(o["meantype"]).name
         return meta
diff --git a/api/endpoints/lookups/meantype/routes.py b/api/endpoints/lookups/meantype/routes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfb953780e6bbcf5bb15e69fee224112f6b5214a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/endpoints/lookups/meantype/routes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from fastapi import APIRouter
+from core.mean import Mean, MeanType
+router = APIRouter()
+@router.get("/lookup/meantype", tags=["lookup"])
+async def version():
+    meantypes = []
+    for m in MeanType:
+        meantypes.append({"meantype": m, "meantype_name": m.name})
+    return meantypes
diff --git a/api/endpoints/version/routes.py b/api/endpoints/version/routes.py
index 3cac3506bca019e0c49d3fef5e39cddb94ad8654..1f6c7d717c052bda8b23c5c63f7e26799837debe 100644
--- a/api/endpoints/version/routes.py
+++ b/api/endpoints/version/routes.py
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ router = APIRouter()
 @router.get("/version", tags=["version"])
 async def version():
-    return {"version": "1.0.0"}
+    return {"version": "1.0.2"}